10 Reasons for Divorce

You understand things aren’t going well for your marriage. Your spouse did seem harsh, distant and bitter the last time you talked to each other.

Typically, you predict they’ll come around, let go of the bitterness and get back to their normal self in due time. However, one day, you get home and find their clothes missing from the closets and a piece of paper on the table – a divorce notification.

10 Top Reasons for Divorce

1. Infidelity

Having an affair is accountable for the failure of a lot of marriages that concludes in divorce. This is one of the more typical reasons for divorce. The reasons why people cheat isn’t as clear cut as we think.

Resentment and anger are typical ulterior reasons for being adulterous along with discrepancies in the lack of emotional affection and sexual urges.

Adultery usually starts as an apparently harmless friendship. It begins as an emotional affair, that later turns into a physical affair. Infidelity is the chief cause of divorces.

2. Money

Every little thing from contrasting spending habits and financial aspirations from one spouse making substantially more money than the other, inciting a power struggle that can stretch a marriage to its breaking point. Money actually reaches everything.

It puts an impact on people’s livelihood. Obviously, money and stress do seem to be closely related for a lot of couples.

Financial problems may be classified as one of the biggest causes of divorce, after cheating.

3. Lack of Communication

Communication is vital in any marriage and not being capable to communicate adequately rapidly leading to irritation and resentment for both, putting an impact on every facet of marriage.

In contrast, excellent communication is the cornerstone of a strong marriage. Screaming at your spouse, not speaking enough during the day, making snide remarks to convey yourself are all unhealthy approaches of communication that should be dumped in a marriage. Unproductive communication is one of the causes for divorcing couples.

Practicing respectful communication, to amend older marriage transgressions might be difficult but it’s well worth the work to strengthen and save your marriage.

4. Constantly Arguing

From bickering about household tasks to fighting about the kids; constant arguing is the bane of many relationships.

Couples that have the same argument repeatedly usually do it because they feel they’re not being respected or heard.

Many couples find it difficult to see the other’s point of view, which leads to a lot of arguing without ever coming to a solution, which may eventually lead to divorce.

5. Weight Gain

It can seem terribly superficial or undeserved, but gaining weight is one of the topmost prevalent reasons for divorce.

It might seem unusual, but weight gain is another leading cause of divorce. In many cases, a considerable amount of weight gain makes the other spouse become less physically attracted. On the other hand, weight gain has an impact on the other’s self-esteem, that can turn into intimacy issues and might even become a cause of divorce.

6. Unrealistic Expectations

It can be easy to get into a marriage with high expectations; confident that your spouse and the marriage will live up to your vision of what you want them to be.

These aspirations can put a lot of pressure on the other spouse, making you feel let down and setting up your spouse to fail. Too high of marriage expectations may become a reason for divorce.

7. Lack of Intimacy

Feeling unconnected to your partner may swiftly breakdown a marriage since it leaves couples feeling like they are living with an outsider, more like roommates and less like a married couple.

This could be from an absence of emotional or physical intimacy and is not just about sex. If you are always giving your spouse the silent treatment, understand that over time it could become grounds for divorce.

Recently, ignoring your spouse’s sexual needs is starting to be called the number one cause of divorce.

Making the relationship intimate and remarkable is both spouse’s responsibility. Practicing small acts of compassion, gratefulness and enjoying physical intimacy as often as you can, will help improve the relationship.

8. Lack of Equality

A lack of equality follows closely as the number one cause of divorce recently.

When one spouse feels they undertake more responsibility in the marriage, it can change their perspective of the other and can lead to resentment.

Resentment usually escalates and can become a reason for divorce, as a matter of fact, it is one of the leading causes of divorce.

Every couple needs to discuss their own special set of challenges and find their own way to live together as equals that enjoy a respectful, congenial and joyous marriage.

9. Not Being Prepared for Marriage

A startling number of couples of every age have put the blame on being unprepared for marriage for the failure of the relationship. Divorce rates are greatest between couples that are in their 20’s.

Not preparing for marriage is one of the more typical reasons for divorce.

Just about half the divorces happen in the first 10 years, particularly amidst the fourth and eighth wedding anniversaries.

10. Abuse

Emotional or physical abuse is a heartbreaking, real-word problem for some marriages.

It does not always come from the one doing the abusing being a “terrible” person; extensive emotional problems are typically at fault. No matter the reason, no one needs to suffer emotional or physical abuse and by taking yourself out of the situation safely, is vital.


  1. Warren, Shellie, et al. “10 Most Common Reasons for Divorce.” Best Marriage Advice – Get Marriage Tips from Experts, 13 Dec. 2019, https://www.marriage.com/advice/divorce/10-most-common-reasons-for-divorce/.

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