Divorce affects every part of your life. Sometimes people choose a divorce process before they have considered all options because they have no idea of their options.
Traditional Divorce Litigation. File a petition. Serve the other person. Your case is assigned to a random judge who does not know you. You get one chance to change your judge, but you have to notice that change of judge very early in your case.
After service, you will wait 1-2 months for a Resolution Management Conference. Maybe request temporary orders concerning kids, property, or money.
In traditional divorce, you will both negotiate issues between you if you are talking, but you both may not know a thing about those issues. Recently we saw someone harassed because discovery responses were late.
In a traditional divorce, you will have a final trial within 6-36 months where a judge evaluates your credibility when you are most vulnerable, and decides your life and your future.
Your court hearings may stem from higher conflict. You may attend mediation before the trial. Either person can opt out of mediation before or during mediation. A judge decides your life. Your assets are likely divided in half. So are your debts. If you want to keep the house, you may lose it if you cannot agree.
Traditional litigation divorce ignores that human emotion dictates decision-making, which can draw out the process.
Collaborative Process. Your decision tree leads you to call a lawyer who not only says they practice collaborative process – this collaborative lawyer actually encourages you to try to use the collaborative divorce process if it’s possible. Your marriage saw domestic violence? Still, collaborative divorce is possible. The other person is a narcissist? Still, collaborative divorce is possible. You have a business to value? Been there, done that – collaborative divorce can include business valuations.
Jen Moshier has probably had over 100 collaboration cases (who has time to count when there are real lives in the balance?). All our reviews are real.
Each case presents with all varieties of the human condition. Collaborative divorce deals with the emotional side of divorce that litigation pretends does not exist, or tries to shame when emotions take over.
Imagine getting your divorce done in private ✅
on your own schedule ✅
n 1-6 months ✅
Because in collaborative divorce, we can make things happen that cannot happen in litigation.
Collaborative Process is like mediation. You sit at a conference table in an attorney’s office at time you agreed to be available.
In collaborative divorce, you never have to go through a courthouse or stand in front of a judge.
The collaborative team is usually (but not always) all in the same place at the same time, with both of the people facing the divorce, their lawyers, their coach(es), their joint financial expert, and anyone else whose expertise is needed.
Collaborative Process like a “holding place” for a family. Collaborative Process offers legal protections whether you are prepared to divorce or just want to legally separate. Spare your kids, families, friends, employees, employer, and anyone else affected by your divorce of unnecessary collateral damage.
Choosing Collaborative Process could mean that your marriage has a chance. Reconciliations can and do happen in Collaborative Process. But what if you are sure about your decision to divorce? We are not here to talk anyone out of their own free will. You decide.
The entire point of collaborative process is that the two people whose lives will change are the decision-makers. Their feelings are honored. Difficult conversations are buffered by a team designed to facilitate a productive outcome.
Call us today 480-999-0800 to know more about the Divorce Process in Phoenix, Arizona.
A lot. You have a lot of choices. There is a lot to look forward to.
The only people who benefit from lawsuits are lawyers. I think we made a couple of them rich. – Gavin Rossdale
Over the past five years, Maricopa County has consistently seen the highest rate of divorce filings (when compared to any other county in Arizona). Despite national statistics showing a decrease in overall divorces, Arizona experiences more than 23,000 divorces annually. Below we include 2017 statistics, and divorce has only grown from there. Each judge in family court is assigned about 25,000 cases.
This is why your entire life will be decided in a matter of three hours. If you ask for a full day trial, you have a months-long wait. Your divorce trial may be a full day trial in front of your judge if your net worth is really high, or you have a really complicated coparenting situation.
What if that judge doesn’t like you, or decided early on you weren’t credible? It’s up to you to turn it around. Judges are human too.