Moshier Family Law is here to help you resolve your legal matters. Contact us today to arrange an initial consultation in person or by phone.
On average collaborative divorce costs $7,500. Collaborative divorce costs ranged from $5,000 to $10,000 per spouse in the US for 2024, according to Canterbury Law Group. However, Moshier Family Law has handled many divorce collaborations for less than $10,000 in legal fees, per spouse. This is a major milestone from the tens of thousands of dollars that other couples unavoidably will spend in contested divorce litigation in a court of law, aside from the high emotional cost in most traditional divorce cases.
*Disclaimer – These collaborative divorce fees are ever-changing, and this is not an actual quote. If you need a knowledgeable, experienced collaborative divorce lawyer in Arizona, contact Moshier Family Law to start your initial consultation today.
How Much Does Collaborative Divorce Cost in Arizona?
On average, collaborative in Arizona divorce costs about $10,000 per spouse.
What is Collaborative Divorce?
Different from traditionally litigated divorce cases where both sides are deep into them, and legal meters are running at full strength each month, collaboration is entirely the opposite. Our team of family law professionals is gathered, and there is a group push towards finding a sound resolution. Usually completed after 3 to 4 group meditation-like sessions, and between 60 to 90 days, you will have your divorce in hand nearly overnight compared to your friends and colleagues toiling their way through a multi-year litigated divorce costing them up to tens of thousands of dollars. Today, society has evolved in all ways of life—not excluding divorce, why would you keep doing things in a time consuming and costly manner, when instead you can go through an evolving process of collaboration where only you and your spouse make the big decisions, and not someone with a fancy degree. Don’t litigate, collaborate. Learn more about the Collaborative Process
Why Choose Collaborative Divorce?
There are many reasons to choose collaborative divorce over divorce litigation including:
- Costs a lot less than traditional divorce
- More humane process compared to traditional divorce
- A greater level of privacy of your financial and personal affairs
- More control over timing, you conduct your sessions on your time table, not the courts
- More flexibility and creative solution opportunities than traditional divorce litigation
Collaboration demonstrably reduces post-divorce litigation - More support than traditional divorce
- Far less collateral damage to the future co-parenting relationship and the lives of the children